# save plotting parameters
pm <- par("mfrow")
mar <- par("mar")
## =============================================================================
## Show position of transect and 3D box in bathymetry
## =============================================================================
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
par(mar = c(4, 4, 4, 4))
x <- Syltsurf$x ; y <- Syltsurf$y ; depth <- Syltsurf$depth
image2D(z = depth, x = x, y = y, clab = c("depth", "m"))
# position of transect
with (Sylttran, points (x, rep(y, length(x)),
pch = 16, col = "grey"))
# position of 3-D area
with (Sylt3D, rect(x[1], y[1], x[length(x)], y[length(y)], lwd = 3))
image2D(z = depth, x = x, y = y, clab = c("depth", "m"), log = "z")
# sigma coordinates of the transect (at time = 10)
matplot(Sylttran$x, Sylttran$sigma[,,10], type = "l",
main = "sigma", ylim = c(25, -2), col = "black", lty = 1)
# perspective view - reduce resolution for speed
ix <- seq(1, length(x), by = 3)
iy <- seq(1, length(y), by = 3)
par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 2))
persp3D(z = -depth[ix, iy], x = x[ix], y = y[iy],
scale = FALSE, expand = 0.2, ticktype = "detailed",
col = "grey", shade = 0.6, bty = "f",
plot = FALSE)
# add 3-D region; small amount added to z so that it is visible in rgl
persp3D(z = -Sylt3D$depth + 1e-3, x = Sylt3D$x, y = Sylt3D$y,
col = alpha.col("red", alpha = 0.4), add = TRUE,
plot = FALSE)
# transect
with (Sylttran, points3D(x = x, y = rep(y, length(x)),
z = rep(0, length(x)), pch = 16, add = TRUE, colkey = FALSE))
if (FALSE) {
plotrgl(lighting = TRUE, new = FALSE, smooth = TRUE)
## =============================================================================
## Data Syltsurf: Surface elevation
## =============================================================================
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(0, 0, 1, 0))
# reduce resolution for speed
ix <- seq(1, length(x), by = 3)
iy <- seq(1, length(y), by = 3)
clim <- range(Syltsurf$elev, na.rm = TRUE)
for (i in 1:3)
persp3D(z = -depth[ix, iy], colvar = Syltsurf$elev[ix,iy,i],
x = x[ix], y = y[iy], clim = clim, inttype = 2, d = 2,
scale = FALSE, expand = 0.1, colkey = FALSE, shade = 0.5,
main = paste(format(Syltsurf$time[i], digits = 3), " hr"))
par(mar = c(3, 3, 3, 3))
colkey(clim = clim, clab = c("elevation", "m"))
# can also be done using shaded image2D plots, faster
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(3, 3, 3, 3))
clim <- range(Syltsurf$elev, na.rm = TRUE)
for (i in 1:3)
image2D(z = -depth[ix, iy], colvar = Syltsurf$elev[ix,iy,i],
x = x[ix], y = y[iy], clim = clim,
colkey = FALSE, shade = 0.3, resfac = 2,
main = paste(format(Syltsurf$time[i], digits = 3), " hr"))
colkey(clim = clim, clab = c("elevation", "m"))
## =============================================================================
## Data Syltsurf: Surface currents
## =============================================================================
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
Speed <- sqrt(Syltsurf$u[,,2]^2 + Syltsurf$v[,,2]^2)
with (Syltsurf,
quiver2D(x = x, y = y, u = u[,,2], v = v[,,2], col = gg.col(100),
xlim = c(5, 20), ylim = c(10, 25), by = 3,
colvar = Speed, clab = c("speed", "m/s"),
main = paste(formatC(time[1]), " hr"), scale = 1.5,
image = list(z = depth, x = x, y = y, col = "white", #background
NAcol = "darkblue"),
contour = list(z = depth, x = x, y = y, col = "black",#depth
lwd = 2)
## =============================================================================
## Data Sylttran: plot a transect
## =============================================================================
par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(4, 4, 4, 2))
D <- seq(-1, 20, by = 0.02)
visc <- mapsigma (Sylttran$visc [ , ,1], x = Sylttran$x,
sigma = Sylttran$sigma[ , ,1], depth = D, resfac = 2)
image2D(visc$var, x = visc$x, y = -visc$depth, ylim = c(-20, 1),
main = "eddy viscosity", ylab = "m", xlab = "hour",
clab = "m2/s")
# show position of timeseries in next example
abline(v = visc$x[45])
## =============================================================================
## Data Sylttran: plot a time-series
## =============================================================================
par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(5, 4, 4, 3))
ix <- 45
visct <- Sylttran$visc [ix, ,]
sig <- Sylttran$sigma [ix, ,]
# sigma coordinates are first dimension (signr)
visc <- mapsigma(visct, sigma = sig, signr = 1,
x = Sylttran$time, numdepth = 100, resfac = 3)
D <- -visc$depth
image2D(t(visc$var), x = visc$x, y = D, NAcol = "black",
ylim = range(D), main = "eddy viscosity",
ylab = "m", xlab = "hour", clab = "m2/s")
## =============================================================================
## Data Sylt3D: increase resolution and map from sigma to depth
## =============================================================================
# select a time series point
it <- 1
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
sigma <- Sylt3D$sigma[,,,it]
visc <- Sylt3D$visc [,,,it]
(D <- dim(sigma)) # x, y, z
# remap the data from sigma coordinates to depth coordinates
# depth from max in first box to max in last box
depth <- seq(max(sigma[,,D[3]], na.rm = TRUE),
max(sigma[,,1 ], na.rm = TRUE), length.out = 20)
# Step-bystep mapping, increasing the resolution
z <- 1:21
x <- Sylt3D$x
y <- Sylt3D$y
xto <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = 30)
yto <- seq(min(y), max(y), length.out = 30)
# higher resolution
Sigma <- remap(sigma, x, y, z, xto, yto, zto = z)$var
Visc <- remap(visc, x, y, z, xto, yto, zto = z)$var
# viscosity in sigma coordinates
visc_sig <- mapsigma(Visc, sigma = Sigma, depth = depth)
## =============================================================================
## The 3-D data set - plotted as slices
## =============================================================================
slice3D(xto, yto, -visc_sig$depth, colvar = visc_sig$var,
scale = FALSE, expand = 0.1, NAcol = "transparent",
ys = yto[seq(1, length(yto), length.out = 10)], plot = FALSE,
colkey = list(side = 1))
persp3D(x = x, y = y, z = -Sylt3D$depth, add = TRUE,
border = "black", facets = NA, colkey = FALSE)
# visualise it in rgl window
## the same, as a movie
persp3Drgl(x = x, y = y, z = -Sylt3D$depth, smooth = TRUE,
col = "grey", lighting = TRUE)
movieslice3D(xto, yto, -visc_sig$depth, colvar = visc_sig$var,
add = TRUE, ys = yto)
# in order to wait inbetween slice drawings until a key is hit:
if (FALSE) {
persp3Drgl(x = x, y = y, z = -Sylt3D$depth, smooth = TRUE,
col = "grey", lighting = TRUE)
movieslice3D(xto, yto, -visc_sig$depth, colvar = visc_sig$var, add = TRUE,
ask = TRUE, ys = yto)
## =============================================================================
## The 3-D data set - plotted as isosurfaces
## =============================================================================
isosurf3D(xto, yto, -visc_sig$depth, colvar = visc_sig$var,
level = c(0.005, 0.01, 0.015), col = c("red", "blue", "green"),
scale = FALSE, expand = 0.1, ticktype = "detailed",
main = "viscosity", clab = "m2/s",
plot = FALSE, colkey = list(side = 1))
persp3D(x = x, y = y, z = -Sylt3D$depth, border = "black",
col = "white", add = TRUE, plot = FALSE)
if (FALSE) {
plotdev(alpha = 0.3, phi = 30) # this is slow
plotrgl(alpha = 0.3)
# reset plotting parameters
par(mar = mar)
par(mfrow = pm)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab